For those of you from Australia you are probably wondering about the title of this post. Well as we are now living in the northern hemisphere the Colleges here work on an academic year from September until June unlike the February to November teaching programs used 'down under'.

Some of the highlights of my visit were in Sydney, going along to Parent's group in the park with Darius, Kristi and Lucian and then Darius and I spending a few very pleasant hours in the late afternoon and evening, even though he did walk me into the ground, on a photography shoot down in the Rocks area of Sydney Harbour. It's great that we can both share a love of photography.
In Adelaide I spent some time with both Laura and Sean and their families. Laura, Randall, Isaac and I met Sean &Jasmine and Tamika in the Adelaide markets for dinner then Laura and I went to view a movie in the outdoors at Botanical Park. I was delighted to see how Isaac is growing, and now running everywhere, he is a dear little boy. We had some quality time together then on the weekend we all met together with family and friends to help celebrate Angus, Sean & Leanne's little boy's, 1st birthday.
It was to have been held at the park but we got rained out in the middle of summer !!!!!!
At Sean & Leanne's, Jasmine and Tamika were on holiday from kindy and it was a nice surprise when Sean said he'd managed to get a few days off work so we all went on a trip to the zoo where Jasmine and Tamika delighted in showing me all the animals and posing for a multitude of photographs. Angus decided to chase the pigeons whilst we were having lunch and enjoyed time patting the animals in the Children's zoo area. As the day wore on we queued up to go and see the newly acquired pandas at the Adelaide zoo.
Time went so quickly but the memories linger on.
Jasmine Tamika

Oh the joys and possibilities of travel ................
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